Now...apa la yang dibuat dek MC nih yer...busy sangat smpi x update blog kan...hmmm
there's two important thing going on in my life....hihihi
one is ...our house treatment
there is a lot to do........and money to spare.....what to do...all must be done..kan...senarai agak panjang ..hmmm so every weekend, our aim to complete the list... and now in painting mood...
cat sendiri , sesuai sangat ngan tema rumah pun dah agak chomot...hihihi
nanti MC buat reveal yer.....kecik je umahnya.....boleh la buat MC n Mr.C berkubang..
Second is, a treatment to have a cute one in our life.....
hopefully we will be bless with this anugerah from Yang Maha Esa...
Usaha tangga kejayaan kan...i'll do everything i sad la bila fikirkan but....will motivate diri sendiri with all positif aura...hiihih..
kekadang nangis gak...hihihi...tapi if dah tersurat takder berserah je la kan...
wish me luck yer kekawan....
very in need for all pray and motivasi to keep me strong and in focus... much to think and to do...effecting my job oh nooooooooo..
sorry bosssssss...i'll try my best not to lose my mind...
thank GOD, still got my beloved Mr.C.......thanks for being with me..although sometime still got to do things by my own..uhukkkkkkzz..luv u.
other than that....still got urusan ngan tribunal pembeli rumah....and everything..that is we play as what have been install for us..kan... banyaknye la 'KAN' ...sorry bahasa rojak dah keluaq....kikikikiki...
all picture is courtesy of Pakcik for Pakcik Google..
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